+1-570-436-7022 edpane@paneconsulting.com

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Writings from Ed Pane


Be careful with your words, Once said they can be forgiven, not forgotten.  ~ Carl Sandburg I’ve always liked Sandburg’s poetry. There’s a bluntness to some of it that gets right to the point. The one above grabbed me by the collar as if to say, “Remember that...

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Disconnecting the Buttons

Client: "Why do my parents always know how to push my buttons?" Therapist: "Because they installed them." This brief exchange happened in my office. My client’s problem was clear from the question she asked. She found herself reacting to her parents and, what was...

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Your Uncomfortable Comfort Zone

My client was discussing the angst one her aunts constantly put herself through. Day in, day out it was the same litany of complaints whenever she visited. She mused that there must be something in it for her because she showed no inclination to change anything, just...

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